Ссылки на запись 1974
Albers J.J. ea, 1974
Arnott S. and Selsing E., 1974
Arnott S. ea, 1974
Axelrad A.A. ea, 1974
Berezney R. and Coffey D.S., 1974
Bergman ea, 1974
Brawer J.R. ea, 1974
Campbell ea, 1974
Espada J. ea, 1974
Goldwasser E. ea, 1974
Gregoly ea, 1974
Gregory C.J. ea, 1974
Guyton A.C. ea, 1974
Hamberg ea, 1974a
Hamberg ea, 1974b
Iscove N.N. ea, 1974
Ivanov V.I. ea, 1974
Jackson R.L. ea, 1974
Jagannathan S.N. ea, 1974
Kaufmann R. ea, 1974
Keidel W.D. ea, 1976
Kirchberger ea, 1974
Klinke R. ea, 1974
Krnjevic K., 1974
Kwiterovich P.O. ea, 1974
Lazarides E., Weber K., 1974
Lee ea, 1974
Libbin R.M. ea, 1974
Ling ea, 1974
Manuel of lipoprotein Operations, 1974
Mariano ea, 1974
Matschinsky ea, 1974
McLeod D.L. ea, 1974
Miranda A. et al., 1974
Miyamoto ea, 1974
Molitch M.E. ea, 1974
Mountcastle V.B., 1974
Palay S.L. ea, 1974
Perco K.A., 1974
Press M. ea, 1974
Rosenman R.H. ea, 1974
Ross R. ea, 1974
Schmitt F.G. ea, 1974
Siggard-Andersen O., 1974
Smith O.A., 1974
Sommariva D. ea, 1974
Tabaqchali S. ea, 1974
Tai ea, 1974
Ts'o P.O.P., 1974
Van Rietschotten J. ea, 1974
Watson W.E., 1974
Weber K., Groeschel-Stewart U., 1974
Wilson L., Bryan J., 1974
Woodbury J.W., 1974
Вологодский А.В. и др., 1974a
Вологодский А.В. и др., 1974b