Lai S.R. et al. 2005

Lai S.R., Phipps S.M., Liu L., Andrews L.G., and Tollefsbol Т.О., 2005. Epigenetic control of telomerase and modes of telomere maintenance in aging and abnormal systems. Front. Biosci. 10: 1779-1796.

Lai S.R., Phipps S.M., Liu L., Andrews L.G., and Tollefsbol Т.О., 2005. Epigenetic control of telomerase and modes of telomere maintenance in aging and abnormal systems. Front. Biosci. 10: 1779-1796.

Смотрите также:

  • Теломеры: эпигенетический контроль структуры и функций теломер