Pokholok D.K. et al. 2005

Pokholok D.K., Harbison C.T., Levine S., Cole M., Hannett N.M., Lee T.I., Bell G.W., Walker K., Rolfe P.A., Herbolsheimer E., et al., 2005. Genome-wide map of nucleosome acetylation and methylation in yeast. Cell 122: 517-527.

Pokholok D.K., Harbison C.T., Levine S., Cole M., Hannett N.M., Lee T.I., Bell G.W., Walker K., Rolfe P.A., Herbolsheimer E., et al., 2005. Genome-wide map of nucleosome acetylation and methylation in yeast. Cell 122: 517-527.

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