Gene: [06q1/COL19A1] collagen, type XIX, alpha 1;


[1] Myers et al. referred to this gene as a seventeenth unique type of collagen chain (Myers-1993). Uitto-1995) stated that the work of Myers et al. (1993) refers to COL19A1 (initially known as the Y collagen).
[2] The COL19A1 gene is mapped to 6q12-q14 (Yoshioka-1992), the same region as the type IX collagen gene (GEM:06q1/COL9A1)."


Belongs to so named fibrillar associated collagens with interrupted triple helices (FACIT). Members of FACIT group have common structural features, including short stretches of collagenous domains interrupted by non-collagenous regions. These, in turn, form functional units that serve to produce adhesion to the fibrils, provide a rigid arm hat projects from the fibril and provide a point of interaction with other matrix components."


The gene length: 250 kb (or more); exons: 51 (Khaleduzzaman-1997). The predicted protein is 1,142 amino acids long and has a 23-residue signal peptide and 5 collagenous domains interspersed with 6 noncollagenous regions (Inoguchi-1995)."


COL19A1 and COL9A1 (GEM:06q1/COL9A1), and their murine counterparts, were duplicated from the same ancestral gene of the FACIT family (Khaleduzzaman-1997)."


LOC,FAG "Gerecke &: Genomics, 41, 236-242, 1997
CLO,SEQ,STR "Inoguchi K &: J Biochem, 117, 137-146, 1995
GEN,EVO,EAG "Khaleduzzaman M &: Genomics, 45, 304-312, 1997
CLO,SEQ,STR "Myers JC &: JBC, 269, 18549-18557, 1994
CLO,SEQ,STR "Myers JC &: Gene, 123, 211-217, 1993
LOC,LIN "Yoshioka H &: Genomics, 13, 884-886, 1992




coding, basic


06 q12-14


MIM: 600717

Смотрите также:

  • Gene superfamily: collagen proteins; (@COL1 COL2A1 COL3A1 @COL4 @COL5 @COL6 COL7A1 @COL8 @COL9 COL10A1 @COL11 COL12A1 COL12A1L COL13A1 COL14A1 COL15A1 COL16A1 COL17A1 COL18A1 COL19A1)
  • Gene: [06q1/COL12A1] collagen, type XII, alpha 1;