Gene: [0Yp113/PABY] pseudoautosomal boundary region, Y-linked;


PAB, as such, is a vicinity of loci intervening the gonosomal and pseudoautosomal parts of Chr Y."


Pseudoautosomal (homologous) regions of Chrs X and Y cover 2.5 Mb and contain H-Y antigen inductor locus (GEM:0Yp112/TDF) and loci MIC2Y and ZFY located 2.5 and 2.7 Mb proximal to Yp telomere. Crossing-over occurs evenly along the entire region. In spermatogenesis, 1 cM = 50-60 kb."


MAP "Brown WRA: EMBO J, 7, 2377-2385, 1988
PAG,STR "Ellis NA &: Nature, 344, 663-665, 1990
POL,MOL,POP "Ellis NA &: CCG, 51, (HGM10), 994, 1989a
CLO,SEQ,LIN,FAG "Ellis NA &: Nature, 337, (5 Jan), 81-84, 1989b
MAP "Petit C &: EMBO J, 7, 2369-2376, 1988
LIN,MAP,MOL "Pritchard CA &: Nature, 328, 273-275, 1987
MAP "Rappold GA, Lehrach: NAR, 16, 5361-5377, 1988
MAC "Richer &: Hum Genet, 67, 240, 1984
MAC "Verma RS: Hum Hered, 36, 62-64, 1986


chr, sex


psi, basic


0Y p11.3



Смотрите также:

  • Gene: [0Xp2232/PABX] pseudoautosomal boundary region, X-linked;