Gene: [20q12/AIB1] amplified in breast cancer 1;


[1] Guan et al. (Guan-1996) used chromosome microdissection and hybrid selection to clone from 20q (known as another amplification region in human cancers) partial cDNAs for a candidate target gene on 20q, designated AIB1 (for 'amplified in breast cancer-1'), which was ubiquitously expressed in normal human tissues. They also identified 2 other amplified genes, which they designated AIB3 and AIB4.
[2] Anzick et al. (Anzick-1997) reported the deduced sequence of the 1,420-amino acid AIB1 polypeptide, and found that AIB1 is a member of the SRC-1 family of nuclear receptor coactivators (see GEM:20q112/SRC). AIB1 is amplified and overexpressed in breast and ovarian cancer cell lines as well as in breast cancer biopsies, interacts with estrogen receptors (GEM:06q251/ESR1) in a ligand-dependent fashion, and functions to enhance estrogen-dependent transcription. The authors suggested that altered AIB1 expression may contribute to development of steroid-dependent cancers."


COD,SEQ,EXP "Anzick SL &: Science, 277, N5328, 965-968, 1997
COD,LOC,FAG "Guan X-Y &: Cancer Res, 56, N15, 3446-3450, 1996




coding, basic


20 q12


MIM: 601937