Gene: [HOXA/07p1] homeo box region A, gene cluster on chr 7p1; (HOXA1 HOXA2 HOXA3 HOXA4 HOXA5 HOXA6 HOXA7 HOXA9 HOXA10 HOXA11 HOXA13)


[1] The precise number of human himeosis genes is not known. Up to the present, four HOX clusters have been mapped: HOXD in chromosome 2q31, HOXA in 7p1, HOXC in 12q1, and HOXB in 17q2. MSX1 gene has also been mapped (GEM:04p161/MSX1). The human genome contains also two 'engrailed' morphogenetic factors, GEM:02q/EN1 and GEM:07q36/EN2.
[2] It is notable that almost all HOX genes are located in the same chromosomes as collagen genes are, and probably close to them.
[3] HOX genes are expressed also in teratocarcinomas."


FAM:HOXA/07p1; FAM:HOXC/12q1; FAM:HOXD/02q31; GEM:17q2/HOXB5; GEM:17q2/HOXB6; GEM:17q2/HOXB7; GEM:07p1/EVX1."


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