Gene: [IGK/02p12] immunoglobulin, kappa polypeptides, gene claster; (IGKC IGKJ1 IGKJ2 IGKJ3 IGKJ4 IGKJ5 @IGKV)


[1] The gene cluster coding for individual domains of the light kappa subunit of Ig contains a coding gene for the constant CON region, five coding genes for the joining J peptide, and 75-80 coding genes and pseudogenes for the variable VAR region. A precise physical map of the three gene groups is not available yet.
[2] Vk gene cluster occupies a 1200 kb region within segment 2p12 and contains up to 80 genes (and pseudogenes). They are divided in three major (I, II, and III) and a number of minor (IV, N, and x) groups, according to mutual homology.
[3] According to G.Zahau, Vk gene region is subdivided into four genomic fragments: A, 280 kb, 18 genes; L, 190 kb, 18 genes; O, 210 kb, 18 genes; and W, 190 kb, 10 genes. Each fragment contains a duplication of a tandem consisting of many Vk genes. The components of this duplication are denoted conventionally as 'a' and 'b' clusters. The similarity between clusters, e.g., bnetween Aa and Ab (or La and Lb) is considerably greater than the similarity between individual Vk genes within a tandem.
[4] The GEM catalogue adopted the denotation of Vk genes that is based on the data from the laboratory of G.Zahau."


A precise physical map of these three gene groups is not available yet; however, the tandem of five J genes (a region 2 kb in length) has been demonstrated to be located 2.8 kb apart from the single C-kappa gene. The order of the genes in chromosome 2p, according to preliminary data, is cen...Vk...Jk-Ck...ter."


[1] Presently, a little more than 50 Vk genes have actually been cloned, nucleic acid (and corresponding amino acid) sequences being known for 45 of them. About one quarter of them are pseudogenes. Among the coding copies, those belonging to homology groups I and II prevail.
[2] Several Vk pseudogenes have been found in other chromosomes; see GEM:01^/IGKVP1, GEM:15^/IGKVP2, GEM:22q11/IGKVP3, GEM:22q11/IGKVP4, and GEM:22q11/IGKVP5."


[1] The complex structure of the cluster and lack of agreement on the gene denotations adopted in different laboratories makes it difficult to elaborate a unified denotation for the names of Vk genes and pseudogenes. The denotation that is adopted in the GEM catalogue is based on the data from the laboratory of G.Zahau and on the subdivision of Vk gene cluster into four genomic fragments, A, L, O, and W.
[2] In denotation, a common part of the symbol is IGK; then the characters C, J, and V are added for CON, J, and VAR peptides, respectively. Then, the localization of the given Vk gene in a definite genomic fragment is indicated by the symbols A, L, O, or W; and ordinal number of the coding gene within the fragment is indicated by a figure. Pseudogenes are denoted by the character 'P' (which is adopted for all pseudogenes) and the following figure according to ordinal number of this copy within the fragment. The homology group to which the Vk gene belongs (I-IV, N, or x) is reflected in the full name of the gene and not in its symbol (except for one gene in group IV, since its relation to the A/L/O/W genomic fragments is not clear yet."




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