Gene: [MHC/06p2133] major histocompatibility complex; cell-surface MHC-glycoproteins; (@MHC1 @MHC3 @MHC2)


Abderrahim-1994 isolated 53 YACs with an average size of 490 kb and organized them into a single large contig covering more than 4,000 kb spanning the entire MHC region."


In the given linkage group, the gene order is as follows: 6pCen...-DP/DZ-DNA-DO-DX/DQ-DR.-CYP21A2-C4B-CYP21A1P-C4A-BF-C2-HSP70- ...-TNFA-TNFB...-HLA(B-C-X-E-A-H-G-F)- 6pTer. The distance from BF gene (properdin factor B) to C2 = 0 cM; from C2 to HLA-B = 2 cM; the segment = 390 kb;"


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