Gene: [RCA/01q32] complement activation regulator proteins; (CR1 CR2 C4BPA C4BPAL1 C4BPAL2 C4BPB DAF HF1 HFL3 HF2 MCP MCPL)


According to Heine-Suner-1997, the most likely gene order on the Chr 1q32 is as follows: See GEM:01q32/PFKFB2; GEM:01q32/SRP72."


Genes for six RCA factors (CR1, CR2, C4BP, DAF, HF, MCP) are located in Chr 1q32. They constitute the so called linkage group. All the RCA proteins contain a relatively conservative repeat (about 60 amino acid residues), SCR (Short Consensus Repeat): CR1 contains up to 30 SCRs; HF, 20 SCRs; CR2, 15-16 SCRs; C4BF, 8 SCRs; DAF and MCP, 4 SCRs each. Other complement components (B, C1R, C1S, and C2), as well as a number of other proteins (coagulation factor XIII beta peptide, receptor for interleukin 2, and beta-2-glycoprotein 1) also contain the SCR modules."


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