Gene: [TCR1A/14q112] T cell receptor, Ti-alpha polypeptide; TiT3 receptor complex, Ti-alpha polypeptide; (TCR1AC TCR1ADY TCR1AJ TCR1AV)


Description of this family will be available in the next version.




LOC "Barker PE &: J Exp Med, 162, (Jul), 387-392, 1985
LOC "Collins &: Nature, 314, (21 Mar), 273-274, 1985
LOC "Croce CM &: Science, 227, 1044-1047, 1985
MOP,EVO "Hannum &: Nature, 312, (1 Nov), 65-67, 1984
EAG,EXP,GEN,MOP "Marche PN, Kindt: PNAS, 83, N7, 2190-2194, 1986
PRO "Mathieu-Mahul D &: J Exp Med, 163, (Apr), 1308-1313, 1986
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POL "Sakkas &: Arch Reumatol, 30, N2, 231-232, 1987
PRO,SEQ,EXP "Sim GK &: Nature, 312, (20/27 Dec), 771-775, 1984
EVO,SEQ,MOP "Yanagi Y &: PNAS, 82, N10, 3430-3434, 1985
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