Литература по хемочувствительности у прокариот

Детальное описание бактериальной хемочувствительности сделано в нижеследующих публикациях: Adler, J., 1976 , in R. Goldman, T. Pollard and J. Rosenbaum, eds., Cell Motility, Cold Spring Harbour, NY: Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Adler, J., 1983 , 'Bacterial chemotaxis and molecular neurobiology', Cold Spring Harbor Symposia in Quantitative Biology, XL У HI (vol. 2), 803-804 Bourrett, R. В., К. A. Borkovich and M. I. Simon, 1991 , 'Signal transduction pathways involving protein phos-phorylation in prokaryotes', Annual Review of Biochemistry, 60, 401-441 Koshland, D. E. Jr., 1981 , 'Biochemistry and adaptation in a simple bacterial system', Annual Review of Biochemistry, 50, 765-782 Manson, M. D., 1992 , 'Bacterial motility and chemotaxis', Advances in Microbial Physiology, 33, 277-346 Schuster, S. C. and S. Khan, 1994 , 'The bacterial flagellar motor', Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure, 23, 509-539 Simon, M. I., A. Krikos, N. Mutoh and A. Boyd, 1985 , 'Sensory transduction in bacteria', Current Topics in Membranes and Transport, 23, 3-15

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