# 169600


Alternative titles; symbols


Phenotype-Gene Relationships

Location Phenotype Phenotype
MIM number
Inheritance Phenotype
mapping key
Gene/Locus Gene/Locus
MIM number
3q22.1 Hailey-Hailey disease 169600 AD 3 ATP2C1 604384
Clinical Synopsis

- Autosomal dominant
- Erythema
- Skin blisters and erosions (neck, perianal, submaxillary, groin, axilla, popliteal fossa)
Skin Histology
- Suprabasal acantholysis
- Onset third-fourth decade
- Lesions provoked by friction, sun exposure, heat, and injury
- Caused by mutation in the ATPase, Ca(2+)-transporting, type 2C, member 1 gene (ATP2C1, 604384.0001)


A number sign (#) is used with this entry because of evidence that Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD) is caused by heterozygous mutation in the ATP2C1 gene (604384) on chromosome 3q22.


Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD), also known as benign chronic pemphigus, is a rare autosomal dominant cutaneous disorder that usually becomes manifest in the third or fourth decade of life with erythema, vesicles, and erosions involving the body folds, particularly the groin and axillary regions. Other sites of the body, such as the neck, perianal, and submammary regions, may likewise be affected (summary by Poblete-Gutierrez et al., 2004).

This disorder was first described by the dermatologist brothers Hailey and Hailey in 1939 (see Michel, 1982).

Clinical Features

Loewenthal (1959) thought that pyogenic bacteria act as a precipitating factor. This possibility was supported by the beneficial effects of antibiotics, use of which has converted this condition into a relatively insignificant disorder. In 4 cases of 1 family, Burns et al. (1967) and Wilson et al. (1968) found Candida albicans in the lesions and found that the fungus would induce lesions in previously uninvolved skin.

Ultraviolet radiation, heat, sweating, and infection of the skin can provoke the abnormality. Malchus et al. (1986) claimed an increased frequency of HLA-B16. Lesions have been reported in a more generalized distribution on the skin (Marsch and Stuttgen, 1978) and even on mucosal surfaces, including those of the vagina, buccal mucosa, and esophagus (Burge, 1992; Wieselthier and Pincus, 1993). In addition, longitudinal white striae of the fingernails may be present. Onset usually is in the third to fourth decade but is delayed until after age 40 in approximately 12% of patients.

See also acrokeratosis verruciformis (101900) and Darier-White disease (124200).

Burge et al. (1991) demonstrated a widespread subclinical abnormality in keratinocyte adhesion in this disorder. They postulated defective adhesion junctions. In Darier disease, on the other hand, abnormal cell adhesion was demonstrable only in clinically involved skin. The studies were done with suction cups to induce blisters with a quantitative application of negative pressure.

Burge (1992) studied 58 patients. The disorder generally presented between the second and fourth decades but delay in diagnosis was common. Asymptomatic longitudinal white bands in the fingernails were found in 71% of 38 patients examined and was considered a helpful physical sign. The nail change had not previously been documented. The disorder is predominantly flexural. Friction and heat or sweating exacerbate the lesions and pain may limit physical activities.


The 58 patients studied by Burge (1992) were distributed in 31 families; 9 patients had no family history of Hailey-Hailey disease. The pedigree pattern was consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance.


By linkage analysis, Ikeda et al. (1994) mapped the locus for Hailey-Hailey disease to a region of chromosome 3q between D3S1589 and D3S1316. The maximum combined 2-point lod score in the 4 families studied was 14.60 at theta = 0.0 at the D3S1290 microsatellite repeat. The findings suggested the existence of a gene not previously known to be involved in keratinocyte cohesion at this site. A large number of other candidate genes thought to be important in adhesion in the epidermis had previously been excluded by linkage studies.

Richard et al. (1995) refined the localization of the HHD locus by linkage analysis in 6 German and Italian families using polymorphic microsatellite markers. No evidence of genetic heterogeneity was found. They observed complete cosegregation between HHD and D3S1587, with a maximum lod score of 4.54. Haplotype analyses allowed them to narrow the interval containing the HHD locus to 5 cM, flanked by D3S1589 and D3S1290. The approximate location was stated to be 3q21-q24.

Peluso et al. (1995) narrowed the HHD locus to a region flanked by D3S1589 and D3S1541. The centromeric end of a deletion observed in 1 affected family was located between these 2 markers.

Clinical Management

Izumi et al. (1971) found neomycin to be a precipitating factor in one of their patients. Berger and Lynch (1971) suggested that environmental conditions resulting in maceration and sweating could induce lesions on areas not limited to the neck, axilla, and groin. Reitamo et al. (1989) concluded that there is an increased frequency of contact allergies in patients with Hailey-Hailey disease. This fact may limit the use of a topical therapy with antibacterial or antimycotic agents. Mucosal involvement seems to be rare.

Burge (1992) assessed the prognosis in 27 patients and concluded that the long-term outlook is generally good; 17 patients had improved and the disease was static in 7 patients. Topical corticosteroids with or without added antibiotics were an effective treatment. Kartamaa and Reitamo (1992) obtained satisfactory therapeutic results with carbon dioxide laser vaporization.

Molecular Genetics

In 21 kindreds with HHD, Hu et al. (2000) identified mutations in the ATP2C1 gene (e.g., 604384.0001-604384.0003), which encodes the human homolog of an ATP-powered pump that sequesters calcium into the Golgi in yeast. Regulation of cytoplasmic calcium was impaired in cultured keratinocytes from HHD patients, and the normal epidermal calcium gradient was attenuated in vivo in HHD patients. Their findings not only provided an understanding of the molecular basis of HHD, but also underscored the importance of calcium control to the functioning of stratified squamous epithelia.

In a patient with unilateral segmental exacerbations of HHD, originally reported by Vakilzadeh and Kolde (1985), Poblete-Gutierrez et al. (2004) identified heterozygosity for a splice site mutation in exon 22 of the ATP2C1 gene (604384.0009). Haplotype analysis of the more severely affected segmental skin regions revealed consistent loss of the paternal wildtype allele, confirming the authors' hypothesis that such segmental exacerbations represent a form of mosaicism with hemizygosity for the mutation.


  1. Berger, R. S., Lynch, P. J. Familial benign chronic pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 104: 380-384, 1971. [PubMed: 4939904, related citations]

  2. Burge, S. M., Millard, P. R., Wojnarowska, F. Hailey-Hailey disease: a widespread abnormality of cell adhesion. Brit. J. Derm. 124: 329-332, 1991. [PubMed: 2025553, related citations] [Full Text]

  3. Burge, S. M. Hailey-Hailey disease: the clinical features, response to treatment and prognosis. Brit. J. Derm. 126: 275-282, 1992. [PubMed: 1554604, related citations] [Full Text]

  4. Burns, R. A., Reed, W. B., Swatek, F. E., Omieczynski, D. T. Familial benign chronic pemphigus: induction of lesions by Candida albicans. Arch. Derm. 96: 254-258, 1967.

  5. Ellis, F. A. Vesicular Darier's disease (so-called benign familial pemphigus). Arch. Derm. Syphilol. 61: 715-736, 1950. [PubMed: 15411213, related citations] [Full Text]

  6. Friedman-Birnbaum, R., Haim, S., Marcus, S. Generalized familial benign chronic pemphigus. Dermatologica 161: 112-115, 1980. [PubMed: 7398981, related citations] [Full Text]

  7. Hu, Z., Bonifas, J. M., Beech, J., Bench, G., Shigihara, T., Ogawa, H., Ikeda, S., Mauro, T., Epstein, E. H., Jr. Mutations in ATP2C1, encoding a calcium pump, cause Hailey-Hailey disease. Nature Genet. 24: 61-65, 2000. [PubMed: 10615129, related citations] [Full Text]

  8. Ikeda, S., Welsh, E. A., Peluso, A. M., Leyden, W., Duvic, M., Woodley, D. T., Epstein, E. H., Jr. Localization of the gene whose mutations underlie Hailey-Hailey disease to chromosome 3q. Hum. Molec. Genet. 3: 1147-1150, 1994. [PubMed: 7981684, related citations] [Full Text]

  9. Izumi, A. K., Shmunes, E., Wood, M. G. Familial benign chronic pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 104: 177-181, 1971. [PubMed: 5093171, related citations] [Full Text]

  10. Kartamaa, M., Reitamo, S. Familial benign chronic pemphigus (Hailey-Hailey disease): treatment with carbon dioxide laser vaporization. Arch. Derm. 128: 646-648, 1992. [PubMed: 1575528, related citations]

  11. Loewenthal, L. J. A. Familial benign chronic pemphigus. The role of pyogenic bacteria. Arch. Derm. 80: 318-326, 1959. [PubMed: 14417924, related citations] [Full Text]

  12. Malchus, R., Marsch, W. C., Ehlers, G. HLA-B 16 in Hailey-Hailey's disease. Acta Derm. Venerol. 66: 264-266, 1986. [PubMed: 2426907, related citations]

  13. Marsch, W. C., Stuttgen, G. Generalized Hailey-Hailey disease. Brit. J. Derm. 99: 553-560, 1978. [PubMed: 708629, related citations] [Full Text]

  14. Michel, B. 'Familial benign chronic pemphigus' by Hailey and Hailey, April 1939. Commentary: Hailey-Hailey disease, familial benign chronic pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 118: 774-783, 1982. [PubMed: 6753757, related citations] [Full Text]

  15. Peluso, A. M., Bonifas, J. M., Ikeda, S., Hu, S., Devries, S., Waldman, F., Badura, M., O'Connell, P., Damen, L., Epstein, E., Franzblau, M., Herman, P., Lessin, S., Swerlick, R., Trask, D., Epstein, E., Jr. Narrowing of the Hailey-Hailey disease gene region on chromosome 3q and identification of one kindred with a deletion in this region. Genomics 30: 77-80, 1995. [PubMed: 8595906, related citations] [Full Text]

  16. Poblete-Gutierrez, P., Wiederholt, T., Konig, A., Jugert, F. K., Marquardt, Y., Rubben, A., Merk, H. F., Happle, R., Frank, J. Allelic loss underlies type 2 segmental Hailey-Hailey disease, providing molecular confirmation of a novel genetic concept. J. Clin. Invest. 114: 1467-1474, 2004. [PubMed: 15545997, images, related citations] [Full Text]

  17. Polano, M. K. Pemphigus benignus familiaris (with special reference to the histopathological diagnosis). Dermatologica 135: 66-74, 1967. [PubMed: 6033006, related citations]

  18. Reitamo, S., Remitz, A., Lauerma, A. I., Forstrom, L. Contact allergies in patients with familial benign chronic pemphigus (Hailey-Hailey disease). J. Am. Acad. Derm. 21: 506-510, 1989. [PubMed: 2528572, related citations] [Full Text]

  19. Richard, G., Korge, B. P., Wright, A. R., Mazzanti, C., Harth, W., Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli, M., Compton, J. G., Bale, S. J. Hailey-Hailey disease maps to a 5 cM interval on chromosome 3q21-q24. J. Invest. Derm. 105: 357-360, 1995. [PubMed: 7665912, related citations] [Full Text]

  20. Vakilzadeh, F., Kolde, G. Relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis. Brit. J. Derm. 112: 349-355, 1985. [PubMed: 3978039, related citations] [Full Text]

  21. Wieselthier, J. S., Pincus, S. H. Hailey-Hailey disease of the vulva. Arch. Derm. 129: 1344-1345, 1993. [PubMed: 8215508, related citations]

  22. Wilson, J. W., Burns, R. A., Reed, W. B., Hagerman, R. D. Penfigo familiar benigno cronico: lesiones inducidas por 'Candida albicans'. Medicina 3: 275-280, 1968.

  23. Winer, L. H., Leeb, A. J. Benign familial pemphigus: cytology and nosology. AMA Arch. Derm. Syphilol. 67: 77-83, 1953. [PubMed: 13007183, related citations] [Full Text]

Marla J. F. O'Neill - updated : 1/19/2005
Victor A. McKusick - updated : 12/27/1999
Alan F. Scott - updated : 2/12/1996
Creation Date:
Victor A. McKusick : 6/2/1986
carol : 02/06/2024
carol : 02/05/2024
carol : 02/01/2024
carol : 01/30/2024
carol : 03/02/2015
carol : 2/17/2015
carol : 10/6/2014
carol : 4/1/2005
carol : 1/20/2005
terry : 1/19/2005
alopez : 12/29/1999
terry : 12/27/1999
dkim : 7/24/1998
terry : 4/17/1996
mark : 2/12/1996
mark : 12/7/1995
mark : 11/1/1995
terry : 6/24/1995
mimadm : 1/14/1995
pfoster : 12/28/1994
carol : 4/29/1994
warfield : 4/1/1994

# 169600


Alternative titles; symbols


SNOMEDCT: 79468000;   ICD10CM: Q82.8;   ORPHA: 2841;   DO: 0050429;  

Phenotype-Gene Relationships

Location Phenotype Phenotype
MIM number
Inheritance Phenotype
mapping key
Gene/Locus Gene/Locus
MIM number
3q22.1 Hailey-Hailey disease 169600 Autosomal dominant 3 ATP2C1 604384


A number sign (#) is used with this entry because of evidence that Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD) is caused by heterozygous mutation in the ATP2C1 gene (604384) on chromosome 3q22.


Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD), also known as benign chronic pemphigus, is a rare autosomal dominant cutaneous disorder that usually becomes manifest in the third or fourth decade of life with erythema, vesicles, and erosions involving the body folds, particularly the groin and axillary regions. Other sites of the body, such as the neck, perianal, and submammary regions, may likewise be affected (summary by Poblete-Gutierrez et al., 2004).

This disorder was first described by the dermatologist brothers Hailey and Hailey in 1939 (see Michel, 1982).

Clinical Features

Loewenthal (1959) thought that pyogenic bacteria act as a precipitating factor. This possibility was supported by the beneficial effects of antibiotics, use of which has converted this condition into a relatively insignificant disorder. In 4 cases of 1 family, Burns et al. (1967) and Wilson et al. (1968) found Candida albicans in the lesions and found that the fungus would induce lesions in previously uninvolved skin.

Ultraviolet radiation, heat, sweating, and infection of the skin can provoke the abnormality. Malchus et al. (1986) claimed an increased frequency of HLA-B16. Lesions have been reported in a more generalized distribution on the skin (Marsch and Stuttgen, 1978) and even on mucosal surfaces, including those of the vagina, buccal mucosa, and esophagus (Burge, 1992; Wieselthier and Pincus, 1993). In addition, longitudinal white striae of the fingernails may be present. Onset usually is in the third to fourth decade but is delayed until after age 40 in approximately 12% of patients.

See also acrokeratosis verruciformis (101900) and Darier-White disease (124200).

Burge et al. (1991) demonstrated a widespread subclinical abnormality in keratinocyte adhesion in this disorder. They postulated defective adhesion junctions. In Darier disease, on the other hand, abnormal cell adhesion was demonstrable only in clinically involved skin. The studies were done with suction cups to induce blisters with a quantitative application of negative pressure.

Burge (1992) studied 58 patients. The disorder generally presented between the second and fourth decades but delay in diagnosis was common. Asymptomatic longitudinal white bands in the fingernails were found in 71% of 38 patients examined and was considered a helpful physical sign. The nail change had not previously been documented. The disorder is predominantly flexural. Friction and heat or sweating exacerbate the lesions and pain may limit physical activities.


The 58 patients studied by Burge (1992) were distributed in 31 families; 9 patients had no family history of Hailey-Hailey disease. The pedigree pattern was consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance.


By linkage analysis, Ikeda et al. (1994) mapped the locus for Hailey-Hailey disease to a region of chromosome 3q between D3S1589 and D3S1316. The maximum combined 2-point lod score in the 4 families studied was 14.60 at theta = 0.0 at the D3S1290 microsatellite repeat. The findings suggested the existence of a gene not previously known to be involved in keratinocyte cohesion at this site. A large number of other candidate genes thought to be important in adhesion in the epidermis had previously been excluded by linkage studies.

Richard et al. (1995) refined the localization of the HHD locus by linkage analysis in 6 German and Italian families using polymorphic microsatellite markers. No evidence of genetic heterogeneity was found. They observed complete cosegregation between HHD and D3S1587, with a maximum lod score of 4.54. Haplotype analyses allowed them to narrow the interval containing the HHD locus to 5 cM, flanked by D3S1589 and D3S1290. The approximate location was stated to be 3q21-q24.

Peluso et al. (1995) narrowed the HHD locus to a region flanked by D3S1589 and D3S1541. The centromeric end of a deletion observed in 1 affected family was located between these 2 markers.

Clinical Management

Izumi et al. (1971) found neomycin to be a precipitating factor in one of their patients. Berger and Lynch (1971) suggested that environmental conditions resulting in maceration and sweating could induce lesions on areas not limited to the neck, axilla, and groin. Reitamo et al. (1989) concluded that there is an increased frequency of contact allergies in patients with Hailey-Hailey disease. This fact may limit the use of a topical therapy with antibacterial or antimycotic agents. Mucosal involvement seems to be rare.

Burge (1992) assessed the prognosis in 27 patients and concluded that the long-term outlook is generally good; 17 patients had improved and the disease was static in 7 patients. Topical corticosteroids with or without added antibiotics were an effective treatment. Kartamaa and Reitamo (1992) obtained satisfactory therapeutic results with carbon dioxide laser vaporization.

Molecular Genetics

In 21 kindreds with HHD, Hu et al. (2000) identified mutations in the ATP2C1 gene (e.g., 604384.0001-604384.0003), which encodes the human homolog of an ATP-powered pump that sequesters calcium into the Golgi in yeast. Regulation of cytoplasmic calcium was impaired in cultured keratinocytes from HHD patients, and the normal epidermal calcium gradient was attenuated in vivo in HHD patients. Their findings not only provided an understanding of the molecular basis of HHD, but also underscored the importance of calcium control to the functioning of stratified squamous epithelia.

In a patient with unilateral segmental exacerbations of HHD, originally reported by Vakilzadeh and Kolde (1985), Poblete-Gutierrez et al. (2004) identified heterozygosity for a splice site mutation in exon 22 of the ATP2C1 gene (604384.0009). Haplotype analysis of the more severely affected segmental skin regions revealed consistent loss of the paternal wildtype allele, confirming the authors' hypothesis that such segmental exacerbations represent a form of mosaicism with hemizygosity for the mutation.

See Also:

Ellis (1950); Friedman-Birnbaum et al. (1980); Polano (1967); Winer and Leeb (1953)


  1. Berger, R. S., Lynch, P. J. Familial benign chronic pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 104: 380-384, 1971. [PubMed: 4939904]

  2. Burge, S. M., Millard, P. R., Wojnarowska, F. Hailey-Hailey disease: a widespread abnormality of cell adhesion. Brit. J. Derm. 124: 329-332, 1991. [PubMed: 2025553] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2133.1991.tb00592.x]

  3. Burge, S. M. Hailey-Hailey disease: the clinical features, response to treatment and prognosis. Brit. J. Derm. 126: 275-282, 1992. [PubMed: 1554604] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2133.1992.tb00658.x]

  4. Burns, R. A., Reed, W. B., Swatek, F. E., Omieczynski, D. T. Familial benign chronic pemphigus: induction of lesions by Candida albicans. Arch. Derm. 96: 254-258, 1967.

  5. Ellis, F. A. Vesicular Darier's disease (so-called benign familial pemphigus). Arch. Derm. Syphilol. 61: 715-736, 1950. [PubMed: 15411213] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1001/archderm.1950.01530120006001]

  6. Friedman-Birnbaum, R., Haim, S., Marcus, S. Generalized familial benign chronic pemphigus. Dermatologica 161: 112-115, 1980. [PubMed: 7398981] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1159/000250342]

  7. Hu, Z., Bonifas, J. M., Beech, J., Bench, G., Shigihara, T., Ogawa, H., Ikeda, S., Mauro, T., Epstein, E. H., Jr. Mutations in ATP2C1, encoding a calcium pump, cause Hailey-Hailey disease. Nature Genet. 24: 61-65, 2000. [PubMed: 10615129] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1038/71701]

  8. Ikeda, S., Welsh, E. A., Peluso, A. M., Leyden, W., Duvic, M., Woodley, D. T., Epstein, E. H., Jr. Localization of the gene whose mutations underlie Hailey-Hailey disease to chromosome 3q. Hum. Molec. Genet. 3: 1147-1150, 1994. [PubMed: 7981684] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/3.7.1147]

  9. Izumi, A. K., Shmunes, E., Wood, M. G. Familial benign chronic pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 104: 177-181, 1971. [PubMed: 5093171] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1001/archderm.104.2.177]

  10. Kartamaa, M., Reitamo, S. Familial benign chronic pemphigus (Hailey-Hailey disease): treatment with carbon dioxide laser vaporization. Arch. Derm. 128: 646-648, 1992. [PubMed: 1575528]

  11. Loewenthal, L. J. A. Familial benign chronic pemphigus. The role of pyogenic bacteria. Arch. Derm. 80: 318-326, 1959. [PubMed: 14417924] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1001/archderm.1959.01560210060011]

  12. Malchus, R., Marsch, W. C., Ehlers, G. HLA-B 16 in Hailey-Hailey's disease. Acta Derm. Venerol. 66: 264-266, 1986. [PubMed: 2426907]

  13. Marsch, W. C., Stuttgen, G. Generalized Hailey-Hailey disease. Brit. J. Derm. 99: 553-560, 1978. [PubMed: 708629] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2133.1978.tb02024.x]

  14. Michel, B. 'Familial benign chronic pemphigus' by Hailey and Hailey, April 1939. Commentary: Hailey-Hailey disease, familial benign chronic pemphigus. Arch. Derm. 118: 774-783, 1982. [PubMed: 6753757] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1001/archderm.118.10.774]

  15. Peluso, A. M., Bonifas, J. M., Ikeda, S., Hu, S., Devries, S., Waldman, F., Badura, M., O'Connell, P., Damen, L., Epstein, E., Franzblau, M., Herman, P., Lessin, S., Swerlick, R., Trask, D., Epstein, E., Jr. Narrowing of the Hailey-Hailey disease gene region on chromosome 3q and identification of one kindred with a deletion in this region. Genomics 30: 77-80, 1995. [PubMed: 8595906] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1006/geno.1995.0011]

  16. Poblete-Gutierrez, P., Wiederholt, T., Konig, A., Jugert, F. K., Marquardt, Y., Rubben, A., Merk, H. F., Happle, R., Frank, J. Allelic loss underlies type 2 segmental Hailey-Hailey disease, providing molecular confirmation of a novel genetic concept. J. Clin. Invest. 114: 1467-1474, 2004. [PubMed: 15545997] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI21791]

  17. Polano, M. K. Pemphigus benignus familiaris (with special reference to the histopathological diagnosis). Dermatologica 135: 66-74, 1967. [PubMed: 6033006]

  18. Reitamo, S., Remitz, A., Lauerma, A. I., Forstrom, L. Contact allergies in patients with familial benign chronic pemphigus (Hailey-Hailey disease). J. Am. Acad. Derm. 21: 506-510, 1989. [PubMed: 2528572] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1016/s0190-9622(89)70216-4]

  19. Richard, G., Korge, B. P., Wright, A. R., Mazzanti, C., Harth, W., Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli, M., Compton, J. G., Bale, S. J. Hailey-Hailey disease maps to a 5 cM interval on chromosome 3q21-q24. J. Invest. Derm. 105: 357-360, 1995. [PubMed: 7665912] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1111/1523-1747.ep12320741]

  20. Vakilzadeh, F., Kolde, G. Relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis. Brit. J. Derm. 112: 349-355, 1985. [PubMed: 3978039] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2133.1985.tb04864.x]

  21. Wieselthier, J. S., Pincus, S. H. Hailey-Hailey disease of the vulva. Arch. Derm. 129: 1344-1345, 1993. [PubMed: 8215508]

  22. Wilson, J. W., Burns, R. A., Reed, W. B., Hagerman, R. D. Penfigo familiar benigno cronico: lesiones inducidas por 'Candida albicans'. Medicina 3: 275-280, 1968.

  23. Winer, L. H., Leeb, A. J. Benign familial pemphigus: cytology and nosology. AMA Arch. Derm. Syphilol. 67: 77-83, 1953. [PubMed: 13007183] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1001/archderm.1953.01540010081012]

Marla J. F. O'Neill - updated : 1/19/2005
Victor A. McKusick - updated : 12/27/1999
Alan F. Scott - updated : 2/12/1996

Creation Date:
Victor A. McKusick : 6/2/1986

Edit History:
carol : 02/06/2024
carol : 02/05/2024
carol : 02/01/2024
carol : 01/30/2024
carol : 03/02/2015
carol : 2/17/2015
carol : 10/6/2014
carol : 4/1/2005
carol : 1/20/2005
terry : 1/19/2005
alopez : 12/29/1999
terry : 12/27/1999
dkim : 7/24/1998
terry : 4/17/1996
mark : 2/12/1996
mark : 12/7/1995
mark : 11/1/1995
terry : 6/24/1995
mimadm : 1/14/1995
pfoster : 12/28/1994
carol : 4/29/1994
warfield : 4/1/1994