Ссылки на запись 1980
Adams ea, 1980
Allen J.M. ea, 1980
Andersson ea, 1980
Arnott S. ea, 1980
Baldi M.I. ea, 1980
Barak L.S. et al., 1980
Bassenge E. ea, 1980
Bell ea, 1980
Benoist C. ea, 1980
Bretscher A., Weber K., 1980a
Cantor C.R. and Schimmel P.R., 1980
Chait A. ea, 1980
Committee of Principal Investigatiors, 1980
Cook P.R. and Brazell I.A., 1980
Cooke N.E. ea, 1980
Corden S. ea, 1980
de Leeuw H.P.M. ea, 1980
DeRosier D.J., Edds K.T., 1980
Descovich G.C. ea, 1980
Drew H. ea, 1980
Erepamer ea, 1980
Erslev A. ea, 1980
Geiger B., Singer S.J., 1980
Grumet M., Lin S., 1980
Gubbins E.J. ea, 1980
Gurney ea, 1980
Hartmann R. ea, 1980
Heiss G. ea, 1980
Hemler ea, 1980
Henkart ea, 1980
Hintz ea, 1980
Hsieh T.S. and Brutlag D., 1980
Hulley S.B. ea, 1980
Iscove N.N. ea, 1980
Jenkins D.J.A. ea,. 1980
Kandel E.R., 1978
Katz R.A. ea, 1980
Kerr F.W.L. ea, 1980
Kishimoto A. ea, 1980
Kohlhardt M., 1980
Kreis T.E., Birchmeier W., 1980
Lazarides E., 1980
Le Bret M., 1980
Leslie A.G.W. ea, 1980
Lilley D.M.J., 1980
Lindappa V.R., 1980
Liu L.F. ea, 1980
Maclean-Fletcher S., Pollard T.D., 1980
Mannhers H.G. et al., 1980
Mauntcastle V.B., 1980
Miller B.E. ea, 1980
Mizuno ea, 1980
Mizuno ea, 1980a
Nakanishi S. ea, 1980
Oates ea, 1980
Onoda M. ea, 1980
Packard C.J. ea, 1980
Pardoll D.M. ea, 1980
Pavlovvic-Kenters J. ea, 1980
Pradayrol ea, 1980
Proctor D.F., 1980
Putney ea, 1980
Rollins ea, 1980
Roques ea, 1980
Roth ea, 1980
Salmon ea, 1980
Sawyer ea, 1980
Schally ea, 1980
Seemueller ea, 1980
Seftel H.C. ea, 1980
Smith D.G. ea, 1980
Snidermann A. ea, 1980
Snidermann A. ea, 1988
Tse Y.C. and Wang J.C., 1980
Tsien ea, 1980
Wang A.H.-J. ea, 1980
Watanabe ea, 1980
Wyllie ea, 1980a
Yuan ea, 1980
Ашмарин ea 1980
Балуда В.П. и др., 1980
Владимиров ea, 1980
Постнов ea, 1980