Gene: [21q223/ITGB2] integrin, beta 2 (antigen CD18B (p95); LFA1-beta; LCAM-B); cell adhesion molecule, leukocyte, beta (light chain; LCAM-B); lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1, beta subunit (LCAM-B); complement component receptor 3, beta (beta 2 integrin; CD18; LCAM-B); immunodeficiency LFA1-beta (leukocyte adhesion deficiency; MIM:116920); [CD18 GP90 ]
FUN | Beta-2 integrin determines the adhesive properties of leukocyte cell surface." |
MOP | Beta-2 integrin (94 kD) is a component of three leukocyte glycoproteins, which function is cell adhesion. These are: complement component receptor 3 (Mac-1; GEM:16p112/ITGAM), protein p150,95 (GEM:16p121/ITGAX), and LFA1-alpha (GEM:16p123/ITGAL). The three proteins differ in alpha subunits, which are noncovalently bound (one to three molecules) to beta-2 integrin and assigned to alpha integrins." |
PAT | Beta-2 integrin deficiency (identified by the coincident deficiency of three glycoprotein complexes, LFA-1, Mac-1 (CR3), and p150,95) manifest itself as recurrent bacterial and fungous infections. At least five recessive variants of leukocyte adhesion defects, accounted for by mutant beta peptide inability to associate with alpha peptides, have been identified." |
PRO | Probe J-9 contains a 2.8 kb cDNA insert; the clone has been obtained by scrinning U937 library, activated with phorbol ether." |
FAG | See FAM:ITG/00.0. |
REF | LOC,CYG "Akao &: CCG,
46, (HGM9), 568, 1987a LOC,CYG "Akao &: Somat Cell Mol Genet, 13, 273-278, 1987b REV,PAT "Anderson, Springer: Annu Rev Med, 38, 175-194, 1987 REV,PAT "Anderson &: J Infect Dis, 152, 668-689, 1985 MUT "Back AL &: BBRC, 193, 912-918, 1993 MUT "Back AL &: JBC, 267, N8, 5482-5487, 1992 PAT,TER,ENG "Hibbs ML &: J Clin Invest, 85, 674-681, 1990 REV "Hynes RO: Cell, 69, 11-25, 1992 FAG,PAT,SEQ "Kishimoto TK &: Cell, 48, 681-690, 1987a MUT,PAT "Kishimoto TK &: Cell, 50, 193-202, 1987b PAT,TER,MOD "Krauss &: J Clin Invest, 88, 1412-1417, 1991 PRO,SEQ "Law SKA &: EMBO J, 6, 915-919, 1987 LOC,CYG "Marlin SD &: J Exp Med, 164, 855-867, 1986 MUT "Matsuura S &: BBRC, 184, 1460-1467, 1992 MUT "Nelson C &: JBC, 267, 3351-3357, 1992 LOC,LIN,MAP "Petersen MB &: Genomics, 9, 407-419, 1991 LOC,LIN,MAP "Petersen MB &: CCG, 51, (HGM10), 1059, 1989 PAT "Rivera-Matos IR &: J Pediatr, 127, 755-757, 1995 FUN "Rosmarin AG &: PNAS, 92, 801-805, 1995 LOC,PRO "Solomon &: Ann Hum Genet, 52, 123-128, 1988 LOC,PRO,POL "Stewart &: AJHG, 43, A160, 1988 LOC,CYG "Suomalainen HA &: Somat Cell Mol Genet, 12, N3, 297-302, 1986 GEN "Weitzman &: FEBS Lett, 294, 98-103, 1991 PAT,TER,ENG "Wilson &: Science, 248, 1413-1416, 1990 |
KEY | imm, ont, mem, comp, recp |
CLA | coding, basic |
LOC | 21 q22.3 |
MIM | MIM: 600065 |
SYN | CD18 GP90 |
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