Gene superfamily: splicing factors, arginine/serine-rich; (SFRS1 SFRS2 SFRS3 SFRS4 SFRS5 SFRS6 SFRS7 SFRS8 SFRS9)


Both constitutive and alternative splicing occurs on spliceosomes, which are complex particles composed of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and non-snRNP proteins. The SR family of non-snRNP splicing factors is characterized by the presence of an RNA recognition motif and a serine- and arginine-rich (SR) domain. SR proteins are required at early stages of spliceosome assembly, have distinct but overlapping specificities for different pre-mRNAs, and can alter splice site choice."


GEM:17p133/C1QBP(HABP1) SFRS1-associated protein


SUM "Bermingham JR &: Genomics, 29, 70-79, 1995