Gene: [11q223/MMP3] matrix metalloproteinase 3; stromelysin 1 (proteoglycanase; transin 1);
FUN | Stromelysin is an extracellular endopeptidase of various tissues. It belongs to collagenase-related connective tissue-degrading metalloproteinases. Stromelysin catalyses degradation of proteoglycans, fibronectin, collagen type III, IV, V and IX, and activates procollagenase." |
FAG | [1] Two
other collagenase genes were identified in the chromosome segment 11q2. One
of the enzymes digests collagene peptides I, II, and III; its defect
determines the autosomal recessive epidermolysis bullosa (GEM:11q223/MMP1). The other one - neutrophil
collagenase - is described in less details (GEM:11q223/MMP8). In addition, a so called
collagenase 4 is identified. It digests only collagen IV. Two collagenase 4
genes are mapped in chr 16, GEM:16q122/MMP2
and GEM:20q1/MMP9). [2] Elements of stromelysin subfamily are cloned, and some of them are sequenced. These are stromelysins 2 (Muller-1988; GEM:11q223/MMP10) and 3 (Basset-1990; GEM:22q112/MMP11), as well as less similar to them pump-1 (putative metalloproteinase 1; Muller-1988; GEM:11q223/MMP7)." |
&: Nature, 348, (20/27 Dec), 699-704, 1990 LOC,LIN,MOL "Gatti &: AJHG, 45, A140, 1989 TRC,EXP "Kerr LD &: Science, 242, 1424-1427, 1988 FAG,COD,SEQ "Muller D &: Biochem J, 253, 187-192, 1988 MAP "Pendas AM &: Genomics, 37, 266-269, 1996 TRC,SEQ,EVO,EXP "Quinones S &: JBC, 264, N14, 8339-8344, 1989 CLO,COD,SEQ,PEP,EVO,EXP "Saus J &: JBC, 263, N14, 6742-6745, 1988 FUN,REV "Sellers, Murphy: Int Rev Connect Tissue Res, 9, 151-190, 1981 PRO,EXP,FAG "Sirum KL, Brinckerhoff: Biochemistry, 28, 8691-8698, 1989 LOC,MOL,POL,FAG "Spurr NK &: Genomics, 2, 119-127, 1988 CLO,COD,SEQ,EVO "Whitham SE &: Biochem J, 240, 913-916, 1986 PEP,SEQ,MOP "Wilhelm SM &: PNAS, 84, N19, 6725-6729, 1987 |
KEY | exce, pep |
CLA | coding, basic |
LOC | 11 q22.3 |
MIM | MIM: 185250 |
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