Gene superfamily: adenosine A receptor; (ADORA1 ADORA3 ADORA2A ADORA2B ADORA2BP ADORA2L1 ADORA2L2)


The adenosine receptors regulate a diverse set of physiologic functions including cardiac rate and contractility, smooth muscle tone, sedation, neurotransmitter and IgE-dependent mediator release, platelet function, lipolysis, renal function, and white blood cell function (reviewed in Stiles-1992)."


Adenosine receptors belong to the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily, a class of of cell-surface receptors that, when activated, couple to the heterotrimeric G protein complex to effect signal transduction. Molecular cloning and subsequent pharmacological and biochemical analyses have led to the identification of four different subtypes of adenosine receptor: A1 (GEM:01q321/ADORA1), A2a (GEM:22q112/ADORA2A), A2b (GEM:17p12/ADORA2B) and A3 (GEM:01p133/ADORA3). In addition to these protein-encoding genes there are two A2-like copies and an A2-pseudogene in the human genome: GEM:10q2/ADORA2L1; GEM:01q22/ADORA2L2; GEM:01q32/ADORA2BP."


REV,FUN,EXP,FAG "Olah ME &: Annu Rev Physiol, 54, 211-225, 1992
REV,FUN,MOP,FAG "Stiles GL: JBC, 267, 6451-6454, 1992