Gene: [15q221/TPM1] tropomyosin 1 (skeletal muscle alpha); cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic 3 (MIM:115196); [TMSA CMH3 ]


Tiso-1997 have refined the TPM1 gene location as 15 q22.1.


The muscle-specific tropomyosin peptides are components of the thin filaments of the sarcomere, the contractile element in muscle, and control contraction in a calcium-dependent manner."


[1] Humans and other vertebrates have at least 4 different tropomyosin genes: GEM:09p13/TPM2, muscle beta-tropomyosin; GEM:01q2/TPM3, non-muscular alpha tropomyosin; and GEM:19p131/TPM4, alpha(?)-tropomyosin.
[2] Two muscle-specific isoforms of tropomyosin, one alpha and one beta, form an alpha-helical dimer, bind head to tail, and lie in the major groove of filamentous actin with each tropomyosin molecule binding to 7 actin molecules. See details on muscle beta-tropomyosin in GEM:09p13/TPM2 and on actin gene family in FAM:ACT/00.0.
[3] In the sarcomere, the contractile element in muscle, each tropomyosin dimer is associated with a troponin complex (see on troponin genes FAM:TNN/00.0)."


Both the muscle and nonmuscle isoforms of the tropomyosins are expressed through alternative splicing of each of the 4 genes. The muscle-specific isoforms of the different tropomyosin genes are differentially expressed in different muscle fiber types and in the heart. The muscle isoform of alpha-tropomyosin, TPM1, is expressed at higher levels in fast muscle fibers and the heart than in slow muscle fibers, whereas the nonmuscle isoform of alpha-tropomyosin, TPM3, is expressed more in slow, type I, muscle fibers than in fast muscle fibers and the heart."


LOC "Eyre H &: CCG, 69, 15-17, 1995
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FUN,MEB "Nadal-Ginard B, Mahdavi V: J Clin Invest, 84, 1693-1700, 1989
MUT,PAT "Thierfelder L &: Cell, 77, 701-712, 1994
LOC,FAG "Tiso N &: BBRC, 230, 347-350, 1997
MUT,PAT "Watkins H &: Circulation, 91, 2302-2305, 1995a
MUT,PAT "Watkins H &: New Engl J Med, 332, 1058-1064, 1995b


SWISSPROT: P09493; TPMF P09494; TPMS P10469


myo, cysk, card


coding, basic


15 q22.1


MIM: 191010



Смотрите также:

  • Тропомиозины
  • Gene superfamily: troponins; (@TNNC @TNNI @TNNT)
  • Gene superfamily: troponins C; (TNNC1 TNNC2)
  • Gene: [14q1/MYH7] myosin, heavy polypeptide 7, cardiac muscle, beta; cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic 1 (MIM:192600); [MYHCB MYH6B ]
  • TPM1 ген альфа-тропомиозина
  • Gene: [19q134/TNNT1] troponin T1, skeletal, slow; [TNT ]
  • Gene superfamily: troponins T; (TNNT1 TNNT2 TNNT3)
  • HUGEN-тропомиозин