Gene: [17q112/RARA] retinoic acid receptor, alpha; acute promyelocytic leukemia breakpoint cluster region; [RAR APL ]
COM | Analyzing the RARA gene in the t(15;17)(q22;q11.2-q12) translocation associated with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), De The-1990 identified a new gene on chromosome 15 which is involved with the RARA gene in the formation of a fusion product (GEM:15q22/PML)." |
FAG | Genes for retinoic acid receptor beta and gamma peptides are identified (GEM:03p24/RARB; GEM:12q13/RARG)." |
MAP | See FAM:SCYA/00.0. |
REF | LOC,MOL,POL "Arveiler &: NAR, 16, 6252, 1988 LOC,PAT,MOL,EXP "Borrow J &: Science, 249, 1577-1580, 1990 LOC,FUN,FAG "Brand N &: Nature, 332, 850-853, 1988 EXP,ABR "De The H &: Cell, 66, 675-684, 1991 IDN,LOC,PAT,EXP,ABR "De The H &: Nature, 347, 558-561, 1990 LOC,FAG,EAG,HUM,MOU "Mattei MG &: Genomics, 10, N4, 1061-1069, 1991 LOC "Mattei MG &: Hum Genet, 80, 186-188, 1988 LOC,MAG "Naruse K &: Genomics, 34, 236-240, 1996 PRO,SEQ "Petkovich M &: Nature, 330, 444-450, 1987 FUN,PEP "Robertson M: Nature, 330, 420-421, 1987 |
KEY | hem, onc, vit, recp |
CLA | coding, basic |
LOC | 17 q11.2 |
MIM | MIM: 180240 |
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